Air conditioning for sports clubs is one of the applications characterized by several standards that must be achieved to reach the best air conditioning and ventilation system
First: air conditioning
When calculating the cooling load, each space differs from the other in terms of the type of activity, the number of people, the heat load resulting from the existing equipment, if any, the temperatures required to be achieved by that activity, the percentage of air humidity, the percentage of fresh air specified for each person in the place, etc., and all of these standards are explained. According to the tables in the code (ASHRAE)
Sports clubs are also characterized by high physical activity, which negatively affects the quality and purity of the air
Therefore, when air conditioning sports clubs, it is preferable to use fresh air handling units (FAHU) to ensure complete and continuous air change, which works to raise the level of air quality and purity around the clock, but they are expensive and high in electricity consumption.
When distributing the grills, the seating and presence of people on the sports equipment must be taken into account so that the cold air is not directed directly at them. Most of the outlets are in the corridors and between the equipment, so when designing, the gym’s furnishing plan must be requested to achieve this.
When determining the location of the thermostats that control the air conditioning devices, it is preferable to place them in a high place, or a closed box can be installed over them so as not to leave them tampered with by the people present, so that they are calibrated to an average temperature that suits everyone. In some cases, they are assembled in one place, a “control room,” or a work is done. A central control system for all air conditioners, which allows workers to adjust, control, turn on and turn off quickly, safely and simply
It is preferable to install air curtains at the entrances and exits to limit the entry of hot air into the building, which can negatively affect the cooling efficiency. They can also be added in places with a special smell (swimming pools, massage rooms, etc.) in order to also limit the mixing of these odors with the rest of the building.
It is not preferable to add cold air outlets in bathrooms, shower rooms, or the corridors leading to them because of their impact on individuals after showering. The air can be softened only with air extraction fans that work on the process of refreshing the existing air.
Some air fresheners can be installed in air conditioning units, and an operating system is set up at a time to ensure that the place maintains a good smell on a regular and automatic basis.
Regular maintenance must be performed on the air conditioning and filters to reduce bacteria and unpleasant odors accumulating on them and to maintain cooling efficiency.